Password Strength
17:47 CC

Password Strength

#493 Jan 26, 2025 pro
In this episode, we will use the Rails 8 authentication generator and add a stimulus controller to show the strength of a password when signing up for an account. This functionality will work with Devise, ActionAuth and other authentication solutions as well.

Rate Limit
11:08 CC

Rate Limit

#482 Nov 10, 2024 pro
In Rails 7.2, a new feature was added that allows us to establish rate limits where the number of requests in a certain amount of time can be throttled. In this episode, we'll dive into the specifics of the rate limits and how they can be used.

Have I Been Pwned
12:52 CC

Have I Been Pwned

#470 Aug 18, 2024 pro
Pwned Passwords are hundreds of millions of real world passwords previously exposed in data breaches.In this episode, we will look at adding this integration into our Rails applications where Devise or Action Auth are used as the authentication solutions.

Authentication Timeout
15:12 CC

Authentication Timeout

#448 Mar 24, 2024 pro
In this episode, we'll explore adding the ability to extend an authenticated session wish is about to expire. We'll be using a Stimulus controller for the bulk of the logic and the provided functionality that Devise gives us out of the box.

Masked Fields
8:35 CC

Masked Fields

#403 May 28, 2023 pro
Learn to create a reusable Stimulus controller to be able to toggle fields so that we can hide sensitive information from prying eyes, screenshots or when sharing our screen.