Database, Model and Scopes
15:36 CC

Database, Model and Scopes

#150 Sep 9, 2018 pro
In this episode, we take a look at some tips and tricks around the database schema and model scopes.

Single Table Inheritance
8:33 CC

Single Table Inheritance

#97 Sep 10, 2017 free
Learn to use single table inheritance to allow multiple classes to be stored in the same database table.

Grab Bag of Ruby and Ruby on Rails Tricks
12:35 CC

Grab Bag of Ruby and Ruby on Rails Tricks

#158 Nov 4, 2018 free
In this episode, we look at various tips and tricks.

Deeper Dive into StimulusJS
32:11 CC

Deeper Dive into StimulusJS

#152 Sep 23, 2018 pro
In this episode, we look at combining Rails UJS, nested routes, scopes and StimulusJS. A deep dive from the beginning to completion of multiple select boxes changing based on their selections.

Polymorphic Associations
10:31 CC

Polymorphic Associations

#98 Sep 17, 2017 free
Advancing from Single Table Inheritance, learn how Polymorphic Associations differ and tricks to simplify their usage.