Grab Bag of Ruby and Ruby on Rails Tricks
12:35 CC

Grab Bag of Ruby and Ruby on Rails Tricks

#158 Nov 4, 2018 free
In this episode, we look at various tips and tricks.

Rails API - Active Model Serializer
7:53 CC

Rails API - Active Model Serializer

#50 Oct 16, 2016 free
Using ActiveModel::Serializer, learn how to create the JSON responses for your Rails API application. ASM is a great object oriented approach to building a JSON API.

Rails API - Authentication with JWT
7:31 CC

Rails API - Authentication with JWT

#51 Oct 23, 2016 free
Using the knock gem, we will add JWT Authentication to our Rails API Application.

Playing with JSON
3:01 CC

Playing with JSON

#34 Jun 19, 2016 free
Some neat tips and tricks for interacting with and parsing JSON responses from an API.

Virtual Columns with JSON Data Types
7:10 CC

Virtual Columns with JSON Data Types

#88 Jul 9, 2017 free
Continuing from Episode #87, we take a deeper dive into virtual columns in Rails 5.1 and use them to parse JSON Data Types with adding indexes to the virtual column.