Dependent Fields with Hotwire
20:10 CC

Dependent Fields with Hotwire

#472 Sep 1, 2024 free
Large forms can be overwhelming to fill out, especially if not all of the fields are required. In this episode, we'll look at creating a stimulus controller to conditionally display fields based on the input of another field.

Hotwire Combobox
13:34 CC

Hotwire Combobox

#459 Jun 2, 2024 free
In this episode, we tackle the issue of slow-loading dropdowns with a high volume of options by implementing an asynchronous select using the Hotwire Combobox library.

Form Input UX
16:41 CC

Form Input UX

#428 Nov 12, 2023 pro
In this episode, we'll focus on the user experience (UX) of form inputs by adding formatting of the text as the user inputs the data.

Unsaved Changes
11:47 CC

Unsaved Changes

#423 Oct 8, 2023 pro
In this episode, we'll look at creating a stimulus controller that will alert the user if there are unsaved changes on a form before they navigate away from the page or reload the site.

13:47 CC


#409 Jul 9, 2023 pro
In this episode, we'll dive into ActiveSupport::Notifications to perform simple metrics. We'll then use this technique to troubleshoot and pinpoint where slow running lines of code are. It can be a great debugging technique when trying to deal with slow requests or functions.