210 - Ruby on Rails - Tips and Tricks
13:23 CC

210 - Ruby on Rails - Tips and Tricks

#210 Oct 6, 2019 free
Ruby and Ruby on Rails tricks from, dot files, operators, bundling, StimulusJS and more.

Sample Data with Factory Bot and Faker
8:07 CC

Sample Data with Factory Bot and Faker

#103 Oct 29, 2017 free
Factory Bot is a fixtures replacement which can generate the needed records directly in the tests. Faker can be used to create fake data for these records.

Apple Silicon Developer Transition Kit
8:53 CC

Apple Silicon Developer Transition Kit

#253 Aug 2, 2020 free
First look at the upcoming Apple Silicon processor and what it will be like for us Ruby Developers. Honestly, I wish that it was a better experience. However, with macOS Big Sur being beta and the DTK not being the final consumer hardware, there's still hope yet.

Introduction to Dragon Ruby
26:20 CC

Introduction to Dragon Ruby

#197 Jul 7, 2019 free
Dragon Ruby is toolchain that allows developers the ability to build apps and games in Ruby.

Creating a Simple Slack Bot
10:16 CC

Creating a Simple Slack Bot

#162 Dec 2, 2018 free
Slack is a great application to keep in contact with friends, coworkers and a community. With bots, its capabilities are endless. In this episode, learn how to create a Slack Bot to interact with.