Refile Uploads with Progress Bar
2:41 CC

Refile Uploads with Progress Bar

#15 Aug 23, 2015 free
Adding progress bars to your Refile uploader is easy thanks to the included javascript library from Refile. Learn how to add progress bars to your application.

Securing File Uploads
6:19 CC

Securing File Uploads

#14 Aug 22, 2015 free
Be default, Refile does not have a way to secure file downloads. It relies on a generated hash that is unknown to users unless the page renders that image or has a download to that file. This is okay sometimes, however, protecting the file from being downloaded for those who have the URL is a bit more involved.

Uploading Files with Refile
3:17 CC

Uploading Files with Refile

#13 Aug 19, 2015 free
Refile is a modern file upload library for Ruby applications. It is simple, yet powerful. This episode covers the basics of uploading and displaying images. Next episodes will cover protecting files and progress bars.