Grab Bag of Ruby and Ruby on Rails Tricks
12:35 CC

Grab Bag of Ruby and Ruby on Rails Tricks

#158 Nov 4, 2018 free
In this episode, we look at various tips and tricks.

Introduction to Kubernetes
27:09 CC

Introduction to Kubernetes

#181 Apr 7, 2019 free
In this episode, we take a tour of what Kubernetes is, how to install and configure a local development instance, and deploying a sample application.

From Editor to IDE
13:25 CC

From Editor to IDE

#266 Nov 1, 2020 free
Visual Studio Code is a powerful editor by itself, but with the addition of a few extensions, we can turn it into a much more intelligent IDE.

Getting Started - Ruby on Rails - Architectural Overview
21:50 CC

Getting Started - Ruby on Rails - Architectural Overview

#57 Dec 4, 2016 free
For beginners, learn the basic structure of a Ruby on Rails application and the request lifecycle. Learn how different components of a Rails application interact with each other.

3:28 CC


#1 Jul 18, 2015 free
Serve your applications on your development machine with ease. Pow allows a dev domain to your local machine for spinning up linked applications