Web Interactions with Mechanize
13:37 CC

Web Interactions with Mechanize

#131 Apr 29, 2018 pro
The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites. Mechanize automatically stores and sends cookies, follows redirects, and can follow links and submit forms. Form fields can be populated and submitted.

Ruby Objects and Memoization
21:55 CC

Ruby Objects and Memoization

#120 Feb 18, 2018 pro
In this episode, we look at creating ruby objects. Then we look at different ways of implementing memoization and how it can be used to speed up our classes.

Sample Data with Factory Bot and Faker
8:07 CC

Sample Data with Factory Bot and Faker

#103 Oct 29, 2017 free
Factory Bot is a fixtures replacement which can generate the needed records directly in the tests. Faker can be used to create fake data for these records.

Creating a Basic Gem
9:32 CC

Creating a Basic Gem

#99 Sep 24, 2017 free
Gems are a packaged library of functions that can extend your application or provide other features to your system. Learn to create and publish a ruby gem.

Random Ruby Tips and Tricks
10:34 CC

Random Ruby Tips and Tricks

#64 Jan 22, 2017 free
A collection of different Ruby tips and tricks. Hope you find some of them useful!