Sidekiq Basics
7:34 CC

Sidekiq Basics

#59 Dec 18, 2016 free
Sidekiq is a Ruby Background Processor that manages its queue with a Redis service. Learn the basics of Sidekiq and integrating it with ActiveJob.

Mail Previews and Templates
8:31 CC

Mail Previews and Templates

#58 Dec 11, 2016 free
Using ActionMailer::Preview preview email samples without sending them. Using Zurb's Foundation for Emails, learn how to use email templates with the Ink framework.

Getting Started - Ruby on Rails - Architectural Overview
21:50 CC

Getting Started - Ruby on Rails - Architectural Overview

#57 Dec 4, 2016 free
For beginners, learn the basic structure of a Ruby on Rails application and the request lifecycle. Learn how different components of a Rails application interact with each other.

Redis Basics
5:42 CC

Redis Basics

#56 Nov 28, 2016 free
Redis within a Ruby on Rails application has many benefits. Learn to interact with Redis Server and set it up for caching within your application.

Charts and Graphs
7:42 CC

Charts and Graphs

#55 Nov 21, 2016 free
Learn how to use one of three charting libraries, Chart.js, Highcharts, or Google Charts, using the Chartkick gem to create simple and unobtrusive charts in your application.