Embedding Stripe Checkout
19:11 CC

Embedding Stripe Checkout

#422 Oct 1, 2023 free
Stripe Checkout is one of my favorite ways to handle payments in Ruby on Rails applications. Stripe Checkouts will soon have an option to embed the Checkout into your web application. In this episode, we'll look at implementing this feature with a StimulusJS controller.

Parent Relationships and Turbo Frames
23:32 CC

Parent Relationships and Turbo Frames

#421 Sep 24, 2023 pro
Without writing any javascript, we create a highly interactive parent navigation. We will use Turbo Frames to provide the highly interactive experience and build a parent-child relationship from scratch.

Shopping Cart Checkout
26:31 CC

Shopping Cart Checkout

#420 Sep 17, 2023 pro
Continuing on from Episode 334, we look at creating the rest of the functionality of our shopping cart. We look at creating the checkout page with Stripe and handling the webhooks when a checkout session has been completed.

Time Zones
13:39 CC

Time Zones

#419 Sep 10, 2023 pro
Working with time zones can be difficult and lead to the inaccurate display of data. In this episode, we explore how to display dates & times and query records based on a user's time zone.

I'm a teapot
8:14 CC

I'm a teapot

#418 Sep 6, 2023 free
A special release to celebrate 418 episodes. I talk about different HTTP response codes.