SimpleMDE and ActiveStorage
11:12 CC

SimpleMDE and ActiveStorage

#124 Mar 11, 2018 pro
SimpleMDE is a great WYSIWYG Markdown Editor, but lacks the ability to handle image uploads. In this episode, we look at adding ActiveStorage and some JavaScript to handle image uploading.

Encrypted Credentials in Rails 5.2
12:01 CC

Encrypted Credentials in Rails 5.2

#123 Mar 4, 2018 free
In this episode, we take a look at the Encrypted Credentials of Ruby on Rails 5.2 and how we can patch it so that we can use other YAML files like a development.yml and test.yml.

More on GraphQL - Organizing and Refactoring
10:32 CC

More on GraphQL - Organizing and Refactoring

#122 Feb 25, 2018 pro
In this episode, we take a look at our GraphQL API that we created from Episode 119 and refactor the mutations and queries so that we keep the structure and API manageable.

Introduction to GraphQL
17:38 CC

Introduction to GraphQL

#119 Feb 11, 2018 pro
GraphQL is a query language for your API. In this episode, we will look at adding GraphQL to our Ruby on Rails application and seeing how we can pull down data and create records.

Ruby on Rails - Tips and Tricks
14:53 CC

Ruby on Rails - Tips and Tricks

#118 Feb 4, 2018 free
In this episode, we will go through some of the tips and tricks that we often take for granted. We will be looking at nested routes, scopes, migrations and more.