Rails Presenters
9:15 CC

Rails Presenters

#149 Sep 2, 2018 free
Separating view logic from bloated models can help maintain the model in the long run.

Recurring Events with FullCalendar
8:30 CC

Recurring Events with FullCalendar

#94 Aug 20, 2017 free
Create recurring events and interact with them on FullCalendar.

Plotting Points on a Map from Scratch
8:33 CC

Plotting Points on a Map from Scratch

#86 Jun 25, 2017 free
Using the Google Maps Javascript API, learn how to plot markers onto a map. Load markers and info windows through AJAX calls to your Rails JSON API.

Autocomplete with HTML Results
7:02 CC

Autocomplete with HTML Results

#83 Jun 4, 2017 free
Working with an autocomplete can be very simple. However, things get complicated when you try to use HTML markup in the displayed results. Learn how to use HTML markup within your autocomplete results!

15:55 CC


#82 May 29, 2017 free
The DataTables Javascript library creates a powerful display of your application's data. Some of the features include pagination, server side processing, sorting and search.