Interview with Frank Rietta
40:22 CC

Interview with Frank Rietta

#183 Apr 17, 2019 free
In this interview, Frank Rietta, a security expert in web applications, talks about various recommendations for securing a Ruby on Rails application. Many areas are explored from code, staff, servers and infrastructure.

Interview Questions
11:59 CC

Interview Questions

#182 Apr 14, 2019 pro
In this episode, we look at various questions asked during interviews.

Introduction to Kubernetes
27:09 CC

Introduction to Kubernetes

#181 Apr 7, 2019 free
In this episode, we take a tour of what Kubernetes is, how to install and configure a local development instance, and deploying a sample application.

3 Different Perspectives of Importing Records
11:36 CC

3 Different Perspectives of Importing Records

#180 Mar 31, 2019 pro
In this episode, we look at 3 different ways of importing data into a Rails application; each having their own use cases, drawbacks and benefits.

Creating a Gem From Existing Code
12:33 CC

Creating a Gem From Existing Code

#179 Mar 24, 2019 pro
In this episode, we look at a process for extracting business logic out of a Ruby on Rails application into a gem.