Using Bootstrap Themes
17:30 CC

Using Bootstrap Themes

#216 Nov 17, 2019 pro
Bootstrap Themes can be difficult to incorporate into a Ruby on Rails applications. In this episode, we look adding Bootstrap and a Bootstrap theme into our Rails 6 application.

Feature Testing with Capybara
14:40 CC

Feature Testing with Capybara

#102 Oct 22, 2017 free
Create Acceptance Tests or Feature Tests to extend your automated tests with browser testing. It can help tests some areas that cannot be reached with other types of tests.

Improving Partial Loading Performance
11:38 CC

Improving Partial Loading Performance

#145 Aug 5, 2018 free
N+1 queries can make an application slow. Having queries called within views can also slow down an app as well as making it less extendable.

Rails API App - Authentication with JSON Web Tokens
24:04 CC

Rails API App - Authentication with JSON Web Tokens

#138 Jun 17, 2018 pro
With a bare Rails API app, we add an authentication solution and checks per request with JSON Web Tokens, JWT.

FullCalendar Events and Scheduling
14:19 CC

FullCalendar Events and Scheduling

#42 Aug 14, 2016 free
Learn how to incorporate FullCalendar into your Ruby on Rails application with listing and creating events. Using unobtrusive javascript, we can create a fast interactive calendar.