Dot Files
14:35 CC

Dot Files

#415 Aug 20, 2023 pro
Dot files are important for customizing our development experience and in this episode, we'll have a look at the .zshrc, .gemrc, .railsrc, and .irbrc dot files and how we can customize them to make our development life easier.

Intro to Docker on Windows
11:19 CC

Intro to Docker on Windows

#72 Mar 19, 2017 free
Developing a Ruby on Rails application on Windows can be difficult, but doesn't have to be with Docker. Learn how to use Docker to create isolated containers and get them to talk with the Rails app and passed through to the local computer.

7:54 CC


#140 Jul 1, 2018 free
One question that I get asked most often is what editor, theme and extensions am I using for my editor. In this episode, we take a look at the different extensions and settings that I use.

Debugging with Remote Pry
7:16 CC

Debugging with Remote Pry

#130 Apr 22, 2018 pro
Puma-dev combined with Remote Pry is a strong combo for debugging and ease of development.

Introduction to Dragon Ruby
26:20 CC

Introduction to Dragon Ruby

#197 Jul 7, 2019 free
Dragon Ruby is toolchain that allows developers the ability to build apps and games in Ruby.