Extending the Rails Core Form Builder
14:17 CC

Extending the Rails Core Form Builder

#187 May 12, 2019 pro
In this episode, we build a custom form builder to extend and add functionality our forms to display errors inline with the form inputs.

Inline Editing with Turbo
10:32 CC

Inline Editing with Turbo

#381 Dec 25, 2022 pro
Using Turbo, we can create an interactive inline editing feature without writing any Javascript. In this episode, we look at some of the nuances with Turbo Streams and handling form errors.

Optimistic Locking
9:15 CC

Optimistic Locking

#327 Dec 12, 2021 pro
Optimistic Locking is a feature to prevent collision when two users are editing the same record. In this episode, we look at adding this feature into a Rails 7 application that is using Turbo.

Saving Attributes with Hotwire
20:10 CC

Saving Attributes with Hotwire

#373 Oct 30, 2022 pro
With Hotwire, we can create form where each input field is saved once a user has changed its value. We look at some of the common issues that you could run into when using Hotwire and some ways to mitigate those problems.

Form Input UX
16:41 CC

Form Input UX

#428 Nov 12, 2023 pro
In this episode, we'll focus on the user experience (UX) of form inputs by adding formatting of the text as the user inputs the data.