Polling with StimulusJS
10:14 CC

Polling with StimulusJS

#211 Oct 13, 2019 pro
Sometimes an old techniques with a modern twist can not only solve the problems at hand, but can also simplify the application's architecture.

Importing and Exporting CSV Data
5:33 CC

Importing and Exporting CSV Data

#35 Jun 26, 2016 free
Basics on importing and exporting CSV Data using Ruby and without gems.

Development Decisions and Architecture
25:02 CC

Development Decisions and Architecture

#160 Nov 18, 2018 pro
Decisions made during the development process can significantly affect how the production environment is architected. In this episode, we look at a few different scenarios and how the early decisions made in development affected the production infrastructure.

SOLID - Open/Closed Principle
5:09 CC

SOLID - Open/Closed Principle

#199 Jul 21, 2019 pro
Open/Closed principle states "software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification"; that is, such an entity can allow its behaviour to be extended without modifying its code.

State Machines with AASM
12:20 CC

State Machines with AASM

#147 Aug 19, 2018 pro
State Machines are useful for tracking the state of an object. With AASM, we take a dive into how states can transition as well as modifying states and interacting with them.