Nested Forms from Scratch
9:48 CC

Nested Forms from Scratch

#70 Mar 5, 2017 free
Learn how to handle multiple models in a single form with accepts_nested_attributes_for and learn how to add and remove nested records through JavaScript.

Searchkick and Elasticsearch
7:32 CC

Searchkick and Elasticsearch

#65 Jan 29, 2017 free
Add full text searching using Searchkick and Elasticsearch. Here I will show the steps involved in adding this search to an existing application and a sample of autocomplete functionality.

Sidekiq Basics
7:34 CC

Sidekiq Basics

#59 Dec 18, 2016 free
Sidekiq is a Ruby Background Processor that manages its queue with a Redis service. Learn the basics of Sidekiq and integrating it with ActiveJob.

Redis Basics
5:42 CC

Redis Basics

#56 Nov 28, 2016 free
Redis within a Ruby on Rails application has many benefits. Learn to interact with Redis Server and set it up for caching within your application.

Database Index Optimization and Migration Maintenance
4:54 CC

Database Index Optimization and Migration Maintenance

#53 Nov 6, 2016 free
Adding indexes to your databases can increase the SQL search performance on your tables. As your application grows, migration files can become out of hand, use squasher to squish them down to a single file.