Custom Turbo Stream Actions
15:20 CC

Custom Turbo Stream Actions

#382 Jan 1, 2023 free
With the release of Turbo 7.2, we gained the ability to create custom actions in Turbo. This allows us to trigger functions on the client side that would have been difficult or cumbersome to do in the past. In this episode, we look at setting up custom actions and how to use them.

Inline Editing with Turbo
10:32 CC

Inline Editing with Turbo

#381 Dec 25, 2022 pro
Using Turbo, we can create an interactive inline editing feature without writing any Javascript. In this episode, we look at some of the nuances with Turbo Streams and handling form errors.

7:55 CC


#380 Dec 18, 2022 pro
In Rails 7.1, we're going to get a new feature that will allow us to generate tokens for attributes. With generates_token_for, a token can embed data from a record. When using the token to fetch the record, the data from the token and the data from the record will be compared.

Cloudflare Turnstile
14:30 CC

Cloudflare Turnstile

#379 Dec 11, 2022 pro
Cloudflare Turnstile delivers frustration-free, CAPTCHA-free web experiences to website visitors. In this episode, we'll look at implementing this a few different ways and resolving some issues with Turbo.

Stimulus Outlets API
13:57 CC

Stimulus Outlets API

#378 Dec 4, 2022 free
Outlets let you reference Stimulus controller instances and their controller element from within another Stimulus Controller by using CSS selectors. In this episode, we look at a simple example and then refactoring some older code where we used some workarounds to communicate with other stimulus controllers.