Decoding and Interacting with Barcodes
11:40 CC

Decoding and Interacting with Barcodes

#67 Feb 12, 2017 free
Using the QuaggaJS Library, learn how to scan and decode barcodes with your Ruby on Rails application. Using provided callbacks, interact with controller actions to provide a seamless experience.

Client Side Encryption
10:31 CC

Client Side Encryption

#63 Jan 15, 2017 free
Add an extra level of security to your application with client side encryption. Even over an SSL connection, there are attacks which could expose your users' sensitive information. Using JSEncrypt, learn how to encrypt on the client side and decrypt on the server side.

Charts and Graphs
7:42 CC

Charts and Graphs

#55 Nov 21, 2016 free
Learn how to use one of three charting libraries, Chart.js, Highcharts, or Google Charts, using the Chartkick gem to create simple and unobtrusive charts in your application.

Capturing Signatures with Signature Pad
8:14 CC

Capturing Signatures with Signature Pad

#44 Aug 28, 2016 free
Using the Javascript Library, Signature Pad, learn how to capture user signatures and store them within your Ruby on Rails application.

FullCalendar Events and Scheduling
14:19 CC

FullCalendar Events and Scheduling

#42 Aug 14, 2016 free
Learn how to incorporate FullCalendar into your Ruby on Rails application with listing and creating events. Using unobtrusive javascript, we can create a fast interactive calendar.