Creating Embedded Iframes
17:34 CC

Creating Embedded Iframes

#375 Nov 13, 2022 pro
Similar to Youtube embeds, we will look at creating embedded links to our application so that portions of the application can be embedded. However, there are a lot of security implications and should be done with caution.

Strict Locals
9:10 CC

Strict Locals

#388 Feb 12, 2023 pro
Ruby on Rails 7.1 introduces Required Template Arguments w/ Default Values, or Strict Locals. This solves the issue of difficult to reason about dependencies & runtime compilations. In this episode, we look at how Strict Locals can improve the overall maintainability of our Rails partials.

Fancy Emails with MJML
12:41 CC

Fancy Emails with MJML

#411 Jul 23, 2023 pro
Managing email styling and formats can be a large task so having a templating framework in place to help manage these will not only help them be consistent, but also easier to maintain as time goes on. In this episode, we'll look at implementing MJML as well as solving some common problems.

Markdown Parser
7:51 CC

Markdown Parser

#341 Mar 20, 2022 pro
Markdown is a great, but unfortunately ActionText doesn't support it. In this episode, we'll look at implementing a simple markdown parser with Stimulus.

Page Not Found
12:55 CC

Page Not Found

#404 Jun 4, 2023 free
In this episode, we take a few different approaches in how we display error pages in our Rails application. We'll also look at a few potential problems with each approach that we need to be aware of.