Using Bootstrap Themes
17:30 CC

Using Bootstrap Themes

#216 Nov 17, 2019 pro
Bootstrap Themes can be difficult to incorporate into a Ruby on Rails applications. In this episode, we look adding Bootstrap and a Bootstrap theme into our Rails 6 application.

Hotwire Dashboards
25:07 CC

Hotwire Dashboards

#332 Jan 16, 2022 pro
Dashboards can be a source of poor performance and contain much complexity in our applications. Using Hotwire, we can increase the responsiveness of our dashboard with a maintainable approach.

ViewComponent in Rails
12:26 CC

ViewComponent in Rails

#196 Jun 30, 2019 pro
The ViewComponent library will provide a new way for creating reusable and testable view components.

SweetAlerts in Rails 6
12:09 CC

SweetAlerts in Rails 6

#202 Aug 11, 2019 pro
Sometimes adding a javascript library can be difficult because either it's not a straightforward process or some of the blog articles are either outdated or don't work properly. In this episode, we look at adding SweetAlerts into a Rails 6 application with Webpacker.

Working with Time Zones
10:28 CC

Working with Time Zones

#217 Nov 24, 2019 pro
Time Zones in Rails can sometimes cause confusion and erratic behavior. In this episode, we look at working with Time Zones in Rails.