Reactive Applications with Stimulus Reflex
16:30 CC

Reactive Applications with Stimulus Reflex

#209 Sep 29, 2019 pro
Create Reactive and Single Page Application like with no javascript or with Stimulus Controllers.

In-depth Look into ActiveStorage
21:59 CC

In-depth Look into ActiveStorage

#111 Dec 24, 2017 pro
In this episode, we look at ActiveStorage, which is the new file uploading interface in Rails 5.2, and how we can accomplish direct uploads to cloud storage, retrieving & displaying uploaded content, and showing progression with progress bars.

Multistep Form with Wicked
10:32 CC

Multistep Form with Wicked

#137 Jun 10, 2018 pro
Wicked can help by turning a controller into a series of multiple steps. In this episode, we interact with Devise to provide wizard after the user has registered.

ViewComponent in Rails
12:26 CC

ViewComponent in Rails

#196 Jun 30, 2019 pro
The ViewComponent library will provide a new way for creating reusable and testable view components.

Stimulus Javascript Framework
21:59 CC

Stimulus Javascript Framework

#112 Dec 31, 2017 pro
Used at Basecamp for some time, and recently open sourced to the public, Stimulus is a small Javascript Framework used to manipulate existing DOM elements on the page. This episode, we will dive into interacting with Stimulus and setting it up in a new Ruby on Rails application.