Text to Speech
16:44 CC

Text to Speech

#474 Sep 15, 2024 pro
In this episode, we look at implementing text-to-speech functionality using Ruby on Rails without third-party libraries. We'll discuss some nuances and various workarounds to address common issues.

Kanban from Scratch Part 2
20:23 CC

Kanban from Scratch Part 2

#469 Aug 11, 2024 pro
Continuing on with the Kanban board, we look at adding the position functionality of reordering the card placements.

Kanban from Scratch
40:05 CC

Kanban from Scratch

#467 Jul 28, 2024 pro
In this episode, we'll create a kanban style board where cards can be created and moved from one column to another. We will do all of this without any external libraries; using only what is included out of the box with Turbo and Stimulus.

Bulk Updates
18:58 CC

Bulk Updates

#447 Mar 17, 2024 pro
Updating multiple records in the UI of a Rails app could be tricky. In this episode, we'll look at updating multiple records at the same time from scratch. We'll create a Stimulus controller to handle some of the front end functionality.

CSS and JS in Rails Engines
22:04 CC

CSS and JS in Rails Engines

#442 Feb 11, 2024 pro
Setting up a Rails Engine with the TailwindCSS and Hotwire via Importmaps can be rather difficult. There's a lot of undocumented steps to take and it can be overwhelming to approach these problems. In this episode, we look at a step by step approach to both adding TailwindCSS and Turbo & Stimulus into a Rails Engine.