Deploying to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
11:54 CC

Deploying to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

#106 Nov 19, 2017 pro
We’re going to get a Ruby on Rails application running on a staging environment on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The Rails app will be connected to a MySQL database instance.

Deploying to Render
14:12 CC

Deploying to Render

#344 Apr 10, 2022 pro
Heroku is not the only PaaS anymore and there are some cheaper alternatives now-a-days. In this episode, we explore deploying a Ruby on Rails 7 application to Render.

Additional Dependencies in Beanstalk
9:51 CC

Additional Dependencies in Beanstalk

#107 Nov 26, 2017 pro
Sometimes your AWS Beanstalk environment may require configuration changes from your app to properly deploy and get everything working.

Creating Health Checks
15:50 CC

Creating Health Checks

#208 Sep 22, 2019 pro
Health Checks are an important part of monitoring an application's health. However, a simple status response may not be sufficient. In this episode, we look at creating a health check which monitors some dependencies of a Rails application.

AWS Security Groups and Deploying Rails 6 to Beanstalk
21:15 CC

AWS Security Groups and Deploying Rails 6 to Beanstalk

#203 Aug 18, 2019 pro
Back in Episode #106, we configured and deployed to a very simple AWS Beanstalk environment. However, in this episode, we take things a bit further and explore security groups, an existing database and redis service. Also, there are a few changes that we have to do in order to get Rails 6 working within Beanstalk.