Using StimulusJS and Turbo, we are able to dynamically update select input with content based on another select input. This allows for a seamless user experience while having a configurable and maintainable backend.
Using Hotwire we'll create a comment and voting system from scratch without any javascript. With the help of Turbo, we enable real-time updates and broadcasts of comments and votes.
In this episode, we create a chat application using Rails 7, esbuild (JS Bundling), CSS Bundling, Hotwire, and Action Text. We also dive into some issues around CSS Bundling and Action Text.
With Rails 7 coming out soon, it's a good time to look at what it could take to upgrade our existing applications to esbuild. In this episode, we start with a Rails 6 application and begin the upgrade process by removing Webpacker and switching over to esbuild.