ActiveRecord Callbacks
12:26 CC

ActiveRecord Callbacks

#148 Aug 26, 2018 pro
Callbacks are great for quickly tapping into the object life cycle. However, after a model or an application grows, it will become harder to maintain over time. It is better to extract the responsibility and separate the logic.

Reputation Behavior with Merit
15:30 CC

Reputation Behavior with Merit

#219 Dec 8, 2019 pro
Merit adds reputation behavior to Rails apps in the form of Badges, Points, and Rankings.

Partial Inserts
5:37 CC

Partial Inserts

#360 Jul 31, 2022 pro
Parsing through the Ruby on Rails CHANGELOG can reveal some interesting features and changes in the framework. In this episode, we look at one of those changes around inserting records into our database.

Database Transactions
9:47 CC

Database Transactions

#377 Nov 27, 2022 pro
Transactions are protective blocks where SQL statements are only permanent if they can all succeed as one atomic action. In this episode, we explore ActiveRecord Transactions and how to use them.

Bulk Updates
18:58 CC

Bulk Updates

#447 Mar 17, 2024 pro
Updating multiple records in the UI of a Rails app could be tricky. In this episode, we'll look at updating multiple records at the same time from scratch. We'll create a Stimulus controller to handle some of the front end functionality.