Rails 7 API Application
24:57 CC

Rails 7 API Application

#396 Apr 9, 2023 pro
In this episode, we look at setting up a Rails 7 API (only) application and create our own authentication solution. We'll also write the tests around the different controller endpoints that we create to make sure that we have good test coverage and functionality.

Testing External Sites
13:21 CC

Testing External Sites

#359 Jul 24, 2022 pro
Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where we are handling the releases for an important application in our organization, but with each release, a regression/happy path testing must occur. We can use Ruby and Capybara to test these external sites.

Testing View Components
9:51 CC

Testing View Components

#293 Apr 25, 2021 pro
View Components allow testing the rendered views much easier.

Testing Stripe Payments
17:12 CC

Testing Stripe Payments

#261 Sep 27, 2020 pro
Continuing from the previous episode, we add testing to the Stripe Payments without adding any additional dependencies.

Setting Up and Testing OmniAuth
14:08 CC

Setting Up and Testing OmniAuth

#222 Dec 29, 2019 pro
In this episode, we look at creating a Ruby on Rails application with OmniAuth as the authentication solution and write tests to ensure that it works properly.