Wordle Clone
32:34 CC

Wordle Clone

#340 Mar 13, 2022 pro
We look at recreating the popular Wordle game with StimulusJS. By exploring the mechanics of the game, we build our own approach.

Private Chat Groups
33:09 CC

Private Chat Groups

#337 Feb 20, 2022 pro
In this episode, we look at broadcasting to private channels using stimulus controllers and turbo. We also look at the interactivity between two stimulus controllers and different ways of broadcasting to turbo streams.

Record Audio to Active Storage
15:34 CC

Record Audio to Active Storage

#269 Nov 22, 2020 pro
Learn how to use the MediaRecorder API and StimulusJS for uploading and storing audio files to Active Storage.

Liquid Templates
22:12 CC

Liquid Templates

#358 Jul 17, 2022 pro
Using Stimulus and Liquid, we can create real time previews of the Liquid Template Renderer. Liquid provides a markup language that is a safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps.

TailwindUI Calendar
40:00 CC

TailwindUI Calendar

#383 Jan 8, 2023 pro
The TailwindUI library provides static styled HTML examples, but this can be difficult to translate into a Rails application. In this episode, we take a look at one of the calendar examples and make it interactive with displaying days that have events as well as returning events on selected days.