Working with YAML
10:07 CC

Working with YAML

#429 Nov 19, 2023 pro
In this episode, we look at a few different ways that we can interact with YAML files in our Ruby on Rails application; using them for loading configurations and also seeding data.

Generative Text
23:58 CC

Generative Text

#479 Oct 20, 2024 pro
In this episode, we look at adding generative text, in the form of an answer, from either Ollama or OpenAI whenever a user creates question.

Action Text PDFs
11:23 CC

Action Text PDFs

#483 Nov 17, 2024 pro
In this episode, we'll look at a modern way of handling "HTML PDFs". In the past, there was wkhtmltopdf, but this has since been archived, so a new solution was needed. Our primary focus in this episode will be generating a PDF from Action Text Content.

Rate Limit
11:08 CC

Rate Limit

#482 Nov 10, 2024 pro
In Rails 7.2, a new feature was added that allows us to establish rate limits where the number of requests in a certain amount of time can be throttled. In this episode, we'll dive into the specifics of the rate limits and how they can be used.

15:15 CC


#484 Nov 24, 2024 pro
In this episode, we explore deploying HAProxy, a high performant load balancer, with Kamal. We'll look at various scenarios where it is a great fit and other scenarios where you'd want to avoid HAProxy.