Optimistic Locking
9:15 CC

Optimistic Locking

#327 Dec 12, 2021 pro
Optimistic Locking is a feature to prevent collision when two users are editing the same record. In this episode, we look at adding this feature into a Rails 7 application that is using Turbo.

Bundler and Binstubs
7:51 CC

Bundler and Binstubs

#153 Sep 30, 2018 pro
In this episode, we look at some lesser known bundler commands including binstubs.

Null Object Pattern
16:36 CC

Null Object Pattern

#345 Apr 17, 2022 pro
The Null Object Pattern is an old but good pattern that can help reduce complexity in our applications. In this episode, we'll look at a few different examples.

PDFs with Prawn
24:21 CC

PDFs with Prawn

#351 May 29, 2022 pro
Prawn is a pure Ruby PDF generation library that provides a lot of great functionality while trying to remain simple and reasonably performant. In this episode, we look at the styling our code and generating PDFs.

Ruby Objects and Memoization
21:55 CC

Ruby Objects and Memoization

#120 Feb 18, 2018 pro
In this episode, we look at creating ruby objects. Then we look at different ways of implementing memoization and how it can be used to speed up our classes.