Extending the Rails Core Form Builder
14:17 CC

Extending the Rails Core Form Builder

#187 May 12, 2019 pro
In this episode, we build a custom form builder to extend and add functionality our forms to display errors inline with the form inputs.

Multistep Form with Wicked
10:32 CC

Multistep Form with Wicked

#137 Jun 10, 2018 pro
Wicked can help by turning a controller into a series of multiple steps. In this episode, we interact with Devise to provide wizard after the user has registered.

Dynamic Select Fields
13:26 CC

Dynamic Select Fields

#133 May 13, 2018 pro
Making one select field dependent on another and automatically update based on the previous selection can be a tricky task. In this episode, we look an a rather unobtrusive way to handle this for many scenarios.