Cache Warming
23:17 CC

Cache Warming

#273 Dec 13, 2020 pro
Caching is a great way to speed up your applications. However, when a cache becomes stale, there could be a user experience degradation until the cache is rebuilt. In this episode, we look at implementing a background job to rebuild the cache.

Client Side Validation with StimulusJS
18:59 CC

Client Side Validation with StimulusJS

#207 Sep 15, 2019 pro
Give clients quick feedback on form validation errors with ValidateJS and StimulusJS.

Extending the Rails Core Form Builder
14:17 CC

Extending the Rails Core Form Builder

#187 May 12, 2019 pro
In this episode, we build a custom form builder to extend and add functionality our forms to display errors inline with the form inputs.

Application Performance Monitoring in Rails
10:38 CC

Application Performance Monitoring in Rails

#185 Apr 28, 2019 pro
Monitoring your application's performance is an important part of knowing its health. In this episode, we look at three popular services.

3 Different Perspectives of Importing Records
11:36 CC

3 Different Perspectives of Importing Records

#180 Mar 31, 2019 pro
In this episode, we look at 3 different ways of importing data into a Rails application; each having their own use cases, drawbacks and benefits.