Dynamic Select Fields
13:26 CC

Dynamic Select Fields

#133 May 13, 2018 pro
Making one select field dependent on another and automatically update based on the previous selection can be a tricky task. In this episode, we look an a rather unobtrusive way to handle this for many scenarios.

Slim Select with Stimulus
13:25 CC

Slim Select with Stimulus

#308 Aug 8, 2021 pro
Using Stimulus and Slim Select, we can get performant results quickly and efficiently.

Using React-Rails and Loading Data from Rails into React
9:33 CC

Using React-Rails and Loading Data from Rails into React

#109 Dec 10, 2017 pro
In this episode, we look at one of many different ways to add the Javascript Framework, React, into our Ruby on Rails application. This tutorial covers adding react into the application and pulling and displaying database information in nested React components.

Drag and Drop with Hotwire
8:27 CC

Drag and Drop with Hotwire

#311 Aug 29, 2021 pro
Acts as List provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list. In combination with SortableJS and Hotwire (Stimulus), we can create a positionable list with ease.

SweetAlerts in Rails 6
12:09 CC

SweetAlerts in Rails 6

#202 Aug 11, 2019 pro
Sometimes adding a javascript library can be difficult because either it's not a straightforward process or some of the blog articles are either outdated or don't work properly. In this episode, we look at adding SweetAlerts into a Rails 6 application with Webpacker.