Inline Editing with Turbo
10:32 CC

Inline Editing with Turbo

#381 Dec 25, 2022 pro
Using Turbo, we can create an interactive inline editing feature without writing any Javascript. In this episode, we look at some of the nuances with Turbo Streams and handling form errors.

Modern Chat Feature
14:29 CC

Modern Chat Feature

#318 Oct 10, 2021 pro
In this episode, we create a chat application using Rails 7, esbuild (JS Bundling), CSS Bundling, Hotwire, and Action Text. We also dive into some issues around CSS Bundling and Action Text.

Private Chat Groups
33:09 CC

Private Chat Groups

#337 Feb 20, 2022 pro
In this episode, we look at broadcasting to private channels using stimulus controllers and turbo. We also look at the interactivity between two stimulus controllers and different ways of broadcasting to turbo streams.

Hotwire Question and Answer Feature
41:09 CC

Hotwire Question and Answer Feature

#363 Aug 21, 2022 pro
In this episode, we create a highly interactive question and answer feature using Ruby on Rails and Hotwire. We also look at handling contextual actions based on the user when broadcasting the answers, all without writing any javascript.

Parent Relationships and Turbo Frames
23:32 CC

Parent Relationships and Turbo Frames

#421 Sep 24, 2023 pro
Without writing any javascript, we create a highly interactive parent navigation. We will use Turbo Frames to provide the highly interactive experience and build a parent-child relationship from scratch.