Multistep Form with Wicked
10:32 CC

Multistep Form with Wicked

#137 Jun 10, 2018 pro
Wicked can help by turning a controller into a series of multiple steps. In this episode, we interact with Devise to provide wizard after the user has registered.

Deeper Dive into StimulusJS
32:11 CC

Deeper Dive into StimulusJS

#152 Sep 23, 2018 pro
In this episode, we look at combining Rails UJS, nested routes, scopes and StimulusJS. A deep dive from the beginning to completion of multiple select boxes changing based on their selections.

Using Bootstrap Themes
17:30 CC

Using Bootstrap Themes

#216 Nov 17, 2019 pro
Bootstrap Themes can be difficult to incorporate into a Ruby on Rails applications. In this episode, we look adding Bootstrap and a Bootstrap theme into our Rails 6 application.

Rails API App - Authentication with JSON Web Tokens
24:04 CC

Rails API App - Authentication with JSON Web Tokens

#138 Jun 17, 2018 pro
With a bare Rails API app, we add an authentication solution and checks per request with JSON Web Tokens, JWT.

Autocomplete with StimulusJS
8:18 CC

Autocomplete with StimulusJS

#251 Jul 19, 2020 pro
In this episode, learn how to easily add autocomplete search functionality to your Rails Application with StimulusJS.