Easy Infrastructure
25:11 CC

Easy Infrastructure

#355 Jun 26, 2022 pro
Continuing on from the previous episode, we look at creating a Docker Swarm cluster and using Traefik to load balance and route requests to various applications. Using this and CloudFlare proxies, we're able to create and deploy hobby applications in minutes.

Easy Deployments
31:57 CC

Easy Deployments

#354 Jun 19, 2022 pro
I often create Rails projects and while some of these applications are fairly simple, deployment to a production environment still requires a lot of infrastructure setup. In this episode, we take a look at creating a Rails project template and being able to deploy it to a production environment within minutes.

Multiple Databases
12:33 CC

Multiple Databases

#353 Jun 12, 2022 pro
As an application grows in popularity and usage you'll need to scale the application to support your new users and their data. One way in which your application may need to scale is on the database level. In this episode, we look at reading from a replica database while writing to a primary database. We also look at structuring our application top support multiple databases; each containing their own schema.

PDFs with Prawn
24:21 CC

PDFs with Prawn

#351 May 29, 2022 pro
Prawn is a pure Ruby PDF generation library that provides a lot of great functionality while trying to remain simple and reasonably performant. In this episode, we look at the styling our code and generating PDFs.

Limiting Text Input
18:41 CC

Limiting Text Input

#350 May 22, 2022 pro
User experience is important and there are little things that we can do to help improve this experience. By giving real time feedback on text inputs to approaching limits on fields, the user can modify and update their text accordingly before they submit the form. In this episode, we look at database level, model validations and limiting text input on the client side.