louis2again said over 1 year ago on Sign in with Apple :
Hi, just tried this and seems to be working OK for me using ENV, its mentioned in the video to use credentials and this is where I'm having an issue as it seems my format of the oauth strategy added in devise.rb  is wrong, when trying to run rails server to test it crashes 

/Users/****/.rbenv/versions/3.0.2/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/gems/bootsnap-1.11.1/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:39:in `load': /Users/****/****/****/****/config/initializers/devise.rb:322: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting => (SyntaxError)
...cope: 'email name', apple_team, apple_key, apple_pem
...                              ^

 for info this is how I've declared in devise.rb 

  apple_client = Rails.application.credentials.facebook[:client]  
  apple_null = Rails.application.credentials.facebook[:applenull]  
  apple_team = Rails.application.credentials.facebook[:team]  
  apple_key = Rails.application.credentials.facebook[:key]  
  apple_pem = Rails.application.credentials.facebook[:pem]  
  config.omniauth :apple, apple_client, apple_null, scope: 'email name', apple_team, apple_key, apple_pem,  provider_ignores_state: true

Anyone able to help please?